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Everything You Want To Know About Aadhaar-based Offline KYC
In our last blog post, we attempted to debunk many misconceptions that arose because of a poor comprehension of the [...]
Decoding SC’s Aadhaar Verdict And Its Implications On Private Companies
Putting an end to the Aadhaar debate once and for all, the Hon. Supreme Court of India upheld Aadhaar’s [...]
UIDAI temporarily permits Local AUAs to use Aadhaar Number for OTP-based e-KYC
Local AUAs can now use Aadhaar Number for OTP-based e-KYC
Is UIDAI moving towards multi-finger authentication?
Through it’s circular on Face Authentication (Face Auth) dated 15th Jan, 2018, UIDAI has mandated all AUAs / KUAs [...]
Redefining Paperless Customer On-boarding
A versatile solution that digitises all aspects of customer on-boarding through Aadhaar-based e-KYC and e-Sign.
Everything you wanted to know about Global and Local AUAs
Understanding UIDAI's classification of Global AUAs and Local AUAs made easy.
Aadhaar Virtual ID Myths, Busted!
In our previous blog post on Aadhaar Virtual ID (VID), we covered the basics of the Aadhaar VID, along with a [...]
Making Smart Cities Smarter – The Aadhaar Way
How Aadhaar can make a tangible impact on Smart Cities.
Locking & Unlocking your Aadhaar Biometrics – What, Why, How.
A step-by-step guide to lock your Aadhaar biometrics to safeguard your personal data.
Everything you wanted to know about HSM devices
Everything you wanted to know about Hardware Security Modules (HSM) required for Aadhaar Data Vault.