Everything You Want To Know About Aadhaar-based Offline KYC

In our last blog post, we attempted to debunk many misconceptions that arose because of a poor comprehension of the Hon. Supreme Court’s recent landmark judgment on the constitutional validity of Aadhaar. You can read the blog post here.


Decoding SC’s Aadhaar Verdict And Its Implications On Private Companies

Putting an end to the Aadhaar debate once and for all, the Hon. Supreme Court of India upheld Aadhaar’s constitutional validity through its landmark judgment yesterday.


UIDAI temporarily permits Local AUAs to use Aadhaar Number for OTP-based e-KYC

Through it’s earlier circular on Virtual ID (VID) Implementation, UIDAI had disallowed Local AUAs to use Aadhaar Number for OTP-based e-KYC authentications. As per this circular, Local AUAs were allowed to perform OTP-based e-KYC authentications using VID only.


Is UIDAI moving towards multi-finger authentication?

Through it’s circular on Face Authentication (Face Auth) dated 15th Jan, 2018, UIDAI has mandated all AUAs / KUAs to integrate the Face Auth feature in their e-KYC platforms on or before 1st August, 2018.


Redefining Paperless Customer On-boarding

The digital world brought with itself a whole new level of competitiveness in the acquisition of new customers. No matter which industry you look at, with most providers offering similar benefits, cost and service efficiency remain the prime differentiators. If you don’t value your customers’ time and money, they won’t bother about your business – it’s really that simple.


Everything you wanted to know about Global and Local AUAs

In our previous blog posts on Aadhaar Virtual ID (VID) and the usage of Aadhaar Data Vault by ‘Global AUAs’ and ‘Local AUAs’, we first decoded the regulations for you, and then busted some common myths associated with the implementation of Aadhaar VIDs and the Aadhaar Data Vault.


Making Smart Cities Smarter – The Aadhaar Way

The concept of Smart Cities is not new. While the concept has been in discussion in India for many years, it has gained a renewed momentum since 2015 when the Central Govt. announced it’s ‘Smart Cities Mission’ with an aim to transform 100 cities into “smart” cities by 2022.


Locking & Unlocking your Aadhaar Biometrics – What, Why, How.

With Aadhaar becoming pervasive in all walks of life, and unsubstantiated concerns cropping up every day about the security of Aadhaar holders’ personal information, UIDAI has introduced a nifty feature that allows Aadhaar holders to restrict anyone from accessing their demographic / e-KYC data by “locking” their biometrics.

Here’s everything you need to know about “locking” and “unlocking” your Aadhaar biometrics:


Everything you wanted to know about HSM devices

Ever since we published 2 blog posts – here and here, on Aadhaar Data Vault and briefly touched upon the role that Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) play in setting up the Aadhaar Data Vault ecosystem, we received many queries from readers asking for more information on the best-fit HSMs.
